“In all chaos there is a cosmos. In all disorder a secret order” -Carl Jung. Paint and collage on canvas. 150cm x 150cm 2017. (Above image)

The overview effect. Paint on canvas. 200cm x 300cm. 2015. (Above image)

The transparent eyeball. Paint and collage on canvas. 100cm x 100cm. 2019. (Above image)

The exit is the entrance. Paint and collage on canvas. 100cm x 100cm. 2019. (Above image)

This must be the place. Paint and collage on canvas. 75cm x 75cm. 2019. (Above image)

Reality is a shared hallucination. Paint and collage on canvas. 75cm x 75cm. 2019. (Above image)

Wood for trees. Paint and collage on canvas. 50.5cm x 40.5cm. 2020. (Above image)

Terra. Paint and collage on canvas. 75cm x 75cm. 2021.  (Above image)

Electric mud. Paint and collage on canvas. 75cm x 75cm. 2021.  (Above image)

An anthropologist on Mars. Paint and collage on canvas. 150cm x 150cm. 2021.  (Above image)

Everybody’s got something to hide except for me and my monkey. Paint and collage on canvas, 100cm x 100cm. 2018. (Above image)

The blue guitar. Paint and collage on canvas. 50cm x 50cm. 2018. (Above image)

Human Soup, 200cm x 300cm. 2018. Mixed paint on canvas.

My contribution to the Straatmuseum collection in Amsterdam. The Museum  located in NDSM-Plein, Amsterdam.

The conversations you have with yourself about yourself. Paint and collage on canvas. 40cm x 40cm. 2018. (Above image)

He just smoked my eyelids and punched my cigarette. Paint and collage on canvas. 40cm x 40cm. 2018. (Above image)

Tearjerker. Paint and collage on canvas. 40cm x 40cm. 2018. (Above image)

Aurora. Paint and collage on canvas. 40cm x 40cm. 2016. (Above image)

Dulce. Paint and collage on canvas. 40cm x 40cm. 2016. (Above image)